Music Producer Harnesses the Power of Sound to Overcome Ailments and Train for Elite Boston Marathon
Yaro Uses Passion and Knowledge of Music to Improve Time and Inspire Distance
Los Angeles/New York City/November 10, 2009 – After entering and completing the 2009 Los Angeles Marathon (his first) in 03:41, Yaro set his sights on qualifying for the elite Boston Marathon and developed a training method that incorporates his knowledge of and love for music.
Yaro is the son of Nhorma Ortiz, a Musicologist and founder/producer of the internationally renowned Festival del Tambor y Africania and his colorful upbringing has always included music. Raised in Latin America and now enjoying a professional career that straddles New York City and Los Angeles, Yaro has produced numerous musical arrangements to motivate his marathon training by focusing on beats-per-minute (BPM) for speed and lyrical inspiration to push him past the finish line – by doing so he has seen a notable improvement in his time.
“It’s not just about picking my favorite songs, anyone can and should create a playlist on iTunes, but for me it’s about literally arranging a run; visualizing the terrain from start to finish, timing the BPM and practicing deep listening, along with deep breathing,” says Yaro.
Yaro began recognizing the mental and physical health benefits of running early on and attributes his improved self esteem, personal relationships and increased energy and brain function to his marathon training.
“I have always been athletic but I’ve never considered myself a runner so training is definitely a challenge for me. I used to get bored but I knew it’s was improving my life, so I had to introduce my passion for music to my need for running,” explains Yaro.
When he’s in Los Angeles, Yaro prefers training in the hills of Occidental College and the track at the Rose Bowl; while in New York he finds the track field by the Yankee Stadium and the George Washington Bridge motivational. But marathons are what fuel him. “The support of the crowd and other competitors are great but in the end, whether it’s tribal, house, electronic or urban that moves you, you’re really only competing against yourself,” says Yaro.
Learn more about Yaro and check out a sample running mix here.
Media Contact:
Amalia Martino
(425) 361-2754 office
(510) 435-7474 cell
BlueShoes Media is a Seattle-based entertainment publicity firm with national clientele.
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